Master’s degree in Law, Free University of Brussels (VUB), 1983, magna cum laude

Master’s degree in European Law, College of Europe, Bruges, 1984, cum laude

International Trade & Finance Summer School of the University of Vienna, July-August 1984

Master’s degree in Commercial Law, Free University of Brussels (VUB), 1986, cum laude

Certificate of the University of Georgia School of Law, USA, courses organised by the Brussels Bar Association 1989-1992



MARQUES (and member of its ‘Famous and Well Known Marks Team’ and Chair of the sub team “The Rule of Neutralization”)

BMM (Benelux Trademark and Industrial Design Attorneys Association and Chair of its Anti-Fraud Committee)

ALAI (Treasurer of the Belgian section BVA-ABA)

LIDC (Board member of the Belgian section VSMR-AEDC)

EPLAW (The European Patent Lawyers Association)

AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)

Member of the Editorial Board of the Belgian Intellectual Property Law Review IRDI


– Lecturer of the course “European Trademark Law” (30h), LLM Program “Competition Law and IP” at the University of Liège (ULG), since the academic year 2011-2012

– Guest Lecturer in “Advertisement Law” at the Faculty of Press and Communication at the Free University of Brussels (VUB), since 1999 and at the Faculty of Law and Communication sciences at the University of Saint Louis, since 2018

– Lecturer of the courses “protection of company names and trade names” and “unfair competition”, professional training courses organised by the Benelux Trademark and Industrial Design Foundation (BBMM), since 2004

– Guest Lecturer “Trade mark law” (“likelihood of confusion”) at the IP Summer School at Downing College, Cambridge, since 2018

– Member of the Editorial Board of the Belgian intellectual property law review “IRDI”, since its foundation in 1996

– Correspondent for Belgium of the Dutch IP magazine BIE (Berichten Intellectuele Eigendom) 

– Accredited mediator and member of the Federal Mediation Commission, since 2014

– Accredited mediator with the WIPO

– Member CEPANI

– Deputy judge (juge suppléant – plaatsvervangend rechter) with the Brussels Court of Appeal, B.S. 12 November 2017


1. Books and contributions to books

– “Bewijsbeslag in België” (“Saisie contrefaçon in Belgium”), Liber Amicorum Constant Van Nispen, “IE-procesrecht constant in beweging”, deLex 2022

– “De handelsnaam” (“The trade name”), Intersentia 2021, 235 p.

– “Likelihood of confusion in Trade Mark law” a practical guide to the case law of EU Courts, Wolters Kluwer, 2020, 262 p. (co-author: J. Muyldermans), update of “Likelihood of Confusion in Trademark Law: a practical guide based on the case law in Community trademark oppositions from 2002 to 2012”, The Trademark Reporter 2013 vol.1, 1032-1115 and in European Intellectual Property Law (ed. Jan Rosén), Critical Concepts in Intellectual Property Law, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2016, p.366-453

– “Commentaar in het geannoteerd Wetboek Ondernemingsrecht – Intellectuele eigendom”, (contributor to the annotated book XI (IPR) of the Belgian Code of Economic Law) Die Keure 2019

– Contributor of the Belgian Chapter on IPR enforcement of the International Litigation Guide, INTA, (co-author: Diederik Arnaut)

– “Handhaving van intellectuele rechten in het Wetboek van Economisch recht” (“Enforcement of IPR in the Belgian Code of Economic law”) in Transacties en geschillenbeslechting in het wetboek van Economisch Recht, Vlaams Pleitgenootschap bij de Balie te Brussel, Intersentia 2016, p. 187-247 (co-author: Diederik Arnaut)

– “Bescherming tegen look-alikes: een pleidooi voor schrapping van art. 2.19 BVIE” (“Protection against look-alikes: pleadings in favor of deletion of article 2.19 BOIP”), in Liber Amicorum

Michel Flamée, Die Keure 2017, p. 105

– “Commentaar op Benelux Verdrag inzake intellectuele eigendom en de Merkenverordering” (Comments on the Benelux Intellectual Property Treaty and the CTM Regulation), Wet & duiding Intellectuele Eigendom, Economisch Recht, Larcier 2013 (co-author: J. Muyldermans)

– “Wettelijk kader van de strafrechtelijke bepalingen in de Auteurswet” (“Infringements & criminal sanctions in Belgian Copyright Law”), in Liber Amicorum Jan Corbet, Larcier, Brussels, 3rd ed, 2012, p. 562-602

– “Trademark Prosecution and Litigation in Belgium”, Practitioner’s Manual for Trade Mark Prosecution and Litigation in the EU (ed. De Felix Hauck), Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 (co-author: Olivier Vrins)

– “Normaal gebruik van een Gemeenschapsmerk: wat is normaal vanuit geografisch perspectief?” (“Normal use of a Community trademark: what is normal use from a geographical perspective?”) in Liber Amicorum Ludovic De Gryse, Larcier, Brussels, 2010, p. 209-222

– “Het materiële en morele element van misdrijven van namaak en piraterij” (“The moral and material element in the definition of IP infringements in the new Belgian law against counterfeiting and piracy”) in Sanctions et Procédures / Sancties en Procedures,  Larcier, Brussels, 2008

– “Zelfregulering: enkele initiatieven nader bekeken” (“Self-regulation: a closer look to a few initiatives”), in Sancties in het bedrijfsleven / Le droit des affaires en évolution, Bruylant, Brussels, 2007, p. 250-306  (Co-author: J. Muyldermans)

– “De bescherming van de handelsnaam en vennootschapsnaam in België” (The protection of company names and trade names in Belgium), Larcier, Brussels, 2006, 137 p.

– “Chapter on intellectual property in Belgium and the Benelux” in Intellectual Property Laws of Europe, John Wiley & Sons, London, 1995, p. 59-92 (643 p.) (Co-authorT. De Meese and H. Van der Saag)

– “De handelsagentuurovereenkomst: de nieuwe wet van 13 april 1995 betreffende de handelsagentuurovereenkomst” (The new commercial agency act of 13 April 1995), Brugge, die Keure, 1995, p. 7-27 (150 p.)

– Distributierecht / Droit de la distribution 1987-1992 (Distribution law 1987-1992), Kluwer, Diegem, 1993, 445 p.

– “art. 2-6, art 42-45, art. 46-48, art. 49-23, art. 63-68” in Handelspraktijken: het nieuwe in de wet van 14 juli 1991 betreffende de handelspraktijken en de voorlichting en bescherming van de consument (The new Trade Practices Act of 14 July 1991), Die Keure, Brugge, 1992, 16-26, 27-51, 197-212, 213-224, 231-238 (Co-author. J. Stuyck)

Pratiques du commerce (Trade practices), Larcier, Brussels, 1991 (looseleaf) (Co-authors A. De Caluwe, C. Delcorde, X. Leurquin, G. Bogaert and J. Prosman)

– “Piraterij en straf- en burgerlijke sancties in het domein van de intellectuele eigendomsrechten” (“Piracy: criminal and civil sanctions with respect to intellectual property rights”) in Intellectuele eigendomsrechten, Biblo, Kalmthout, 1995, p. 171-209, 246 p. 

– “De geldigheidsvereisten van een vormmerk” (“The conditions of validity of a 3D trademark”) in Liber Amicorum Aimé De Caluwé, Bruylant, 1995, p. 301-315, 406 p.

– “Het verval van het recht op een merk” (“The lapse of trademark rights”) in Liber Amicorum Paul De Vroede, Diegem, Kluwer, 1994, p. 1039-1064

2. Contributions in the fields of intellectual property, distribution law and trade practices

– “20 jaar Neutralisatietheorie in het merkenrecht” (“20 years Rule of Neutralisation in trade mark law”), IRDI 2022, p. 247 – 254

– “Naar een Benelux Handelsnaamwet?” een reactie vanuit Belgische hoek” (“Towards a Benelux Trade name Act? comments from a Belgian perspective”), BIE 2022

– “Is Pirelli’s tyre groove trademark valid? World Trademark Review, 23 July 2021

– “No likelihood of confusion between Bim Freelance and Bim Ready due to the public’s high level attention”, World Trademark Review, 22 January 2021

– “Auteursrechten op design en gebruiksvoorwerpen na de arresten Cofemel en Brompton Bicycle” (“Copyright on design and utilitory objects after the judgements Cofemel and Brompton Bicycle”), IRDI 2021/2, p. 61 – 74

– The protection of unregistered well known marks by the EU Courts under article 6 bis of the Paris Convention, World Trademark Review, 1 September 2020

– “Bescherming van slogans” (“Protection of slogans”), IRDI 2020, p. 36 – 40

– “Don Luciano vs. Luciano Sandrone: what’s in a name”, World Trademark Review, 5 August 2019

– “Blow for Apple as General Court finds that one cannot compare apples with pears”, World Trademark Review, 11 March 2019

– Kroniek intellectuele eigendomsrechten 2017-2018 (“Overview IPR 2017-2018”), RW 2019,

p. 1603 (co-authors: M-C Janssens, F. Brison and H. Van Hees)

– “Terugroeping, definitieve verwijdering en vernietiging van inbreukmakende goederen vanuit Belgisch perspectief” (“recall, definite removal and destruction of infringement goods”), BMM Bulletin 1/2018, p. 40-47

– “Messi scores trademark goals as General Court finds no likelihood of confusion between MESSI and MASSI”, World Trademark Review 13 June 2018; MESSI scores win over MASSI but legal expert laments CJEU’s “unfortunate” decision, World Trademark Review

– “Cipriani case: are drinks in class 32 and bar and restaurant services in class 43 similar?”, World Trademark Review 12 April 2018

– “Love to lounge held to be a valid mark”, World Trademark Review, 2 November 2017

– Kroniek intellectuele eigendomsrechten 2015-2016 (“Overview IPR 2015-2016”), RW 2017,

p. 1 (co-authors: M-C Janssens, F. Brison and H. Van Hees)

– “Different yet the same: intermediary liability in physical and online markets”, World Trademark Review 2017, p 42-45

– “No similarity between signs: game over!” comments on the Monster “claw device” decision of the General Court, World Trademark Review 16 January 2017

– “69 in a difficult position as General Court holds it to be descriptive” (co-author Caro Van Wichelen), World Trademark Review 31 October 2016

– “Oudere buitenlandse handelsnaam versus jongere handelsnaam en merk”, IRDI 2016/2, p. 172-174

– Beschermingsomvang en -beperkingen van een merk” (“Scope of protection of trademarks and limitations”), IRDI 2016/1, p.82-93

– “Oudere buitenlandse handelsnaam versus jongere handelsnaam en merk” (“Earlier foreign trade name vs older trade name and trade mark”) (“Older foreign trade name vs younger trade name and trade mark”), IRDI 2016, p.172-174

– Chapter “Belgium” in INTA, Enforcement, an international litigation guide, November 2016 (coauthor Diederik Arnaut)

– “BEST, beter laat dan nooit” (“BEST, better late than never”), IRDI 2015, p. 235-236

– World Trademark Review “Moët Hennesy successfully enforces Veuve Cliquot colour mark” (co-author Sarah Van Nevel), World Trademark Review 7 February 2012

– “Bye bye Baby-dry? The use of a hyphen and the syntactically unusual juxtaposition” comments on the Vector-Lycopin decision, World Trademark Review 2010

– “Kroniek intellectuele eigendomsrechten 2013-2014” (Overview IPR 2013-2014), RW 2015,

p. 162 (co authors: M.-C. Janssens, F. Brison en H. Van Hees)

– “Hewlet Packard’s ELITEPAD mark held to be descriptive”, World Trademark Review 17 November 2015

– “CJEU: meaning of Arabic words must be taken into account to assess likelihood of confusion”, World Trademark Review 1 September 2015

– “Res judicata attached to national CTM courts judgement not binding on OHIM”, World

Trademark Review 22 April 2015

– “Je suis a trademark? Slogan-related application just the latest in a growing trend”, World

Trademark Review 13 January 2015

– “Parody, comments on the judgement of ECJ of 3 September 2014”, E-Commerce Law Reports 2015, nr 5, p.8

– “Brussels Commercial Court bares its teeth and protects shape of dag food”, World Trademark Review 12 December 2014

– “Kroniek intellectuele eigendomsrechten 2011-2012” (“Overview IPR 2011-2012), RW 2013, (samen met M.-C. Janssens, F. Brison en H. Van Hees) p. 883-901

– “Vergelijkende reclame, mede in het licht van de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie” (“Comparative advertising het light of the case law of EUCJ”), BIE 2013, 294-308 and 322-331.

– “Use of ‘Oscar’ by insurance company held to infringe well-known OSCAR mark (met J. Muyldermans), World Trademark Review 2 October 2013

– “Bad faith and abuse of rights is irrelevant if public interest is involved”, World Trademark Review  21 June 2013

– “Gebruik en misbruik van merken op het internet” (Use and misuse of trademarks on the internet), in “Social Media, recht of anarchie?” Tendensen in het bedrijfsrecht, Brussels, 2012

– “Mark owner cannot avoid obligation to use mark by relying on use of similar mark”, World Trademark Review 16 July 2012

– “No more dodging the bullet: Red Bull obtains injunction against intermediary”, World Trademark Review 30 October 2012

– “InBev ordered to recall Jupiler Blue over colour mark infringement”,  ILO Newletter 23 july 2012 (co-author, J. Muyldermans)

– “Belgium: an expedited approach in IP matters”, World Trademark Review October-November 2012

– “Unfair equals unfair – even in the absence of IP rights”, in Trademark Toolkit: Look-alike packaging, World Trademark Review April/May 2012, p.14

– “Verwarringsgevaar in het merkenrecht – Analyse van de rechtspraak in oppositieprocedures”  (“Risk of confusion in trade mark law: analyses of the case law of the General Court in opposition proceedings”) in T.B.H 2011, p. 957-998

– “’Beb’ element not weakly distinctive for baby food”, in World Trademark Review 24 April 2012

– “Moët Hennessy successfully enforces Veuve Cliquot colour mark” (Co-author S. Van Nevel), in World Trademark Review 7 February 2012

“Implementation of the EU Enforcement Directive in Belgium”, BIE 2012, pp 95-102

– “Registered colour marks shown to be powerful tools” (met J. Muyldermans), World Trademark Review 9 September 2011

– “Evoluties binnen het recht van de intellectuele eigendom 2009-2010” (“Overview IPR 2009-2010”), IRDI 2011, 174-200 (co-authors F. Brison, M.-C. Janssens, H. Vanhees)

– “Cookery and rights protection: a recipe for disaster?”, ILO Newsletter: Intellectual Property 21 February 2011 (Co-auteur: A. De Bleeckere)

– “Linking two descriptive words with hyphen does not render mark distinctive”, World Trademark Review 6 September 2010

– Chair of the AIPPI working group drafting a paper on Q215: “Protection of trade secrets through IPR and unfair competition in Belgium”, 2010

– “Belgium retains power of surprise over infringers”, World Trademark Review October-

November 2010, p. 41

– “In het kielzog van Bellure: inbreuk op bekende merken in de Benelux” (“Riding on the coattails of Bellure, an overview of post L’Oréal / Bellure cases in the Benelux”), Bull. BMM 2010, p. 46-55 (Co-author K. Neefs)

– “Onel ruling plunges Europe into confusion”, World Trademark Review, 26 January 2010

– “Limonchelo II: an extreme interpretation of Limonchelo I?”, World Trademark Review 27 January 2009 (Co-author S. Lardinoit)

– “Grey and counterfeit goods in transit: trademark law in no-man’s land”, supplement to iam magazine, 2009, p. 12-15

– ”Bescherming van bekende merken: overzicht van de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie en het Gerecht van Eerste Aanleg” (“Protection of well known trademarks: overview of the case law of the ECJ and the CFI”), IRDI 2008, p. 231-243

– “Handelsnaam: conflicten met merken en domeinnamen in de Benelux vanuit Nederlands en Belgisch perspectief ” (“Tradenames: conflicts with trademarks and domain names in the Benelux”), Bull. BMM 2008, (Co- author T. Cohen Jehoram)

– “The transit debate in Europe is not over”, written contribution for the INTA annual meeting in Berlin, May 2008

– “De beschermingsomvang van een ouder merk in conflict met een identieke jongere handelsnaam nà het Céline arrest van het Hof van Justitie” (“The scope of protection of an older trademark in conflict with an identical younger trademark after the Céline judgment of the ECJ”), IRDI 2008, p. 31-37

– “De onaanvaardbare weigering van het BBIE tot aanpassing van de grafische voorstelling van kleurmerkdepots” (“The unacceptable refusal of the BOIP with respect to amendments of the graphical representation of registrations for colour marks”), IRDI 2007, p. 320-324

– “Book review of Antoine Braun’s Précis des Marques (Larcier 2004, 1006 p.)”, Bull. BMM 2006

– “Kleurmerken in de Benelux: weg uit de grijze zone?” (“Colour marks: away from the grey zone”), Bull. BMM 2005, p. 21-35

– “Conflits entre marques, dénominations sociales, noms commerciaux et noms de domaine” (“Conflicts between trademarks, company names, trade names and domain names”) in Droits intellectuel: à la rencontre d’une stratégie pour l’entreprise, Ulg Commission de Droit et Vie des Affaires, Bruylant, Brussels, 2002, p. 259-318

– “De beëindiging van een concessie van alleenverkoop van onbepaalde duur overeenkomstig de Wet van 27 juli 1961 in het licht van recente rechtspraak (1997-2000)” (“The termination of distributorship agreements under the Belgian distributorship act of 27 juli 1961: recent case law (1997-2000)”), in Handels- en verzekeringsrecht (Themis: academiejaar 2001-2002, 12), Die keure, Brugge, 2002, p. 91-100 

– “De beoordeling van het verwarringsgevaar tussen een niet bekend merk en een inbreukmakend teken aangewend voor identieke of soortgelijke producten of diensten (art. 13 A 1 b BMW) ” (“The appreciation of the risk of confusion between a trademark that is not well known and an infringing sign used for identical or similar products or services”), IRDI 2000, p. 52-58 (Comment to the “Lloyd / Klijsen” judgment of the European Court of Justice of June 22, 1999)

– “The first rulings of the OHIM’s Boards of Appeal related to colour marks”, Ing. Cons. 1999, p. 278-283 (Co-author F. Gevers)

– “Handelsnaam – Vennootschapsnaam – Merk – Bescherming en onderlinge conflicten:

rechtspraak (1990-1997)” (“Trademarks – company names – trade names: protection and conflicts: case law (1990-1997)”) TBH 1999, p. 72-96 (Co-author G. Bogaert)

– “De conformiteit van de Wet van 27 juli 1961 met Verordening 1475/95 bij de beëindiging van een automobielconcessie van onbepaalde duur” (“The termination of car distributorship agreements and the conformity of the Belgian distributorship act of 27 July 1961 with EU Regulation 1475/95”), TBH 1997, p. 378-384

– “Houdt het vorm-monopolie van LEGO stand?” (“Will the monopoly of the shape of the LEGO bricks stand?”), IRDI 1997, p. 68-73

– “Het gebruik en de overdracht van de geslachtsnaam als (bestanddeel van de) handelsnaam” (-“The use and transfer of family names as (parts of) trade names”), TBH 1997, p. 443-445

– “The EU Directive on the legal protection of databases”, IRDI 1996, p.52-58 (Co-author K. Roox)

– “De privé-kopie van geluids- en audiovisuele werken” (“Private copying of audiovisual works”), IRDI 1996, p.122-130

– “Eenzijdige beëindiging van de overeenkomst door de concessionaris in de automobielsector ” (“Termination of a car distributorship agreement”) in Distribution law 1987-1992, Diegem, Kluwer 1993, p. 95-100

– “Recommendations of the Software Commission with respect to the implementation in Belgian Law of the EU Harmonisation Directive on the Protection of Computer Programmes” (as a member of the Commission), Computerr. 1992/4, p. 

– “Parasitaire concurrentie versus auteursrecht” (“Passing-off and copyright”), in Jaarboek handelspraktijken 1991, Story-Scientia, Brussels, 1992, 509-511 

– “Bestrijding van softwarepiraterij voor de stakingsrechter” (“Fighting software piracy”), in Jaarboek Handelspraktijken 1990, Story-Scientia, Brussels, 332-341 

– “Handelsnaam – Vennootschapsnaam – Merk – Bescherming en onderlinge conflicten:

rechtspraak (1990-1997)” (“Trademarks – company names – trade names: protection and conflicts: case law (1984-89)”), TBH 1990, p. 192-215 (With G. Bogaert)

– “Merk – vennootschapsnaam – handelsnaam: conflicten” (“Trademarks – company names trade names: conflicts”), in Jaarboek handelspraktijken 1989, Story-Scientia, Brussels,1990, p. 354-359

– “Intellectual property rights and university inventions, comments on the proposal of the Flemish

Inter-Universitary Council”, Nieuw Tijdschrift van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1988/01

“Protection of service marks in the Benelux”, Chamber of Commerce of Belgium and Luxembourg, August 1987


The 2006 Wim Mak Award of the Benelux Trademark & Industrial Design Association (BMM) which recognises for the most significant contribution (“Colour marks: away from the grey zone”) to the development of trademark law in the Benelux


22 March 2022 “De-branding and re-branding without the consent of the IP-owner”, Parallel Trade Conference, London

22 October 2021 “Update octrooirecht (“Update patentlaw”), M&D Seminars Ghent

16 September 2021 “Debranding and Rebranding”, Marques annual conference, The Hague

22 June 2021 “Handhaving van octrooirechten – bewijs van inbreuk (“Enforcement of patent rights – proof of infringement”), Webinar, IE Net, Antwerpen

21 March 2021 “The BMM scam case before the Brussels Criminal Court”, webinar EUIPO, 6th Anti-Scam Network meeting, Alicante

28 January 2020 “Likelihood of confusion: the 3-step test and recent trends in the case law of EU Courts”, webinar, EUIPO, Alicante

28 November 2019 “Conflicts between trade marks, trade names and domain names”, seminar Declercq & Partners, Sint-Martens-Latem

29 November 2019 “Niet geregistreerd, maar toch verzet tegen nabootsing?” (Not registered, but still opposition against slavish copies?), Lustrum Edition BMM (45Y), Ghent

11 October 2019 “IP Mock Trial”, Benelux Trademark and Industrial Design Foundation (BBMM), Brussels

14 August 2019 “Likelihood of Confusion: the 3 step test”, IP Law Summer School, Downing College, Cambridge

4 June 2019 Interplay between trade marks, trade names and domain names in the “context of enforcement of rights”, webinar, EUIPO Alicante

7 May 2019 “Update on IPR”, Vlaams Pleitgenootschap (VPG), Brussels

21 March 2019 Chairman afternoon session at the conference “A tribute to Florent Gevers, in memoriam “à travers le temps”, organized by BMM and LES, Brussels

10 December 2018 Representation of the BMM at the “European IP Associations dialogue & users’ group conference” organized by the General Court, Luxembourg

7 December 2018 “Protection of weak trademarks and weak trade names”, 20th Benelux Trademark Day, Amsterdam

6 December 2018 “Merkenrecht” (Trademark law”), a training course for Belgian judges organized by the Institut de Formation Judiciaire (IFJ-IGO), Knokke

19 October 2018 “Update octrooirecht” (“Update patent law”), M&D Seminars, Ghent

15 August 2018 “Likelihood of confusion: the 3 – step test”, IP Law Summer School, Downing College, Cambridge

17 May 2018 “Augmented and virtual reality: most advanced issues”, EUIPO, IP

Roundtable, Brussels

20 April 2018 “Member of a panel of judges at the INTA Young Practitioners and Trademark Administrators Mock Trial”, The Hague

05 February 2018 “Bescherming van intellectuele eigendom en bedrijfsgeheimen” (Protection of IP and trade secrets”), Etion, Brussels

14 December 2017 “De vordering tot staking van een inbreuk op een IE-recht” (“The cease and desist action against an IPR infringement”), Colloquium Handhaving van intellectuele rechten in België, Dworp

12 October 2017 “Recente ontwikkelingen in het merkenrecht” (“Recent evolutions in trademark law”), IE-Forum, Brussels

22 June 2017 “Overdracht van technologie, uitputtingsbeginsel en parallel handel” (“Transfert of technology, principle of exhaustion and parallel trade”), ienet ingenieursvereniging (

19 April 2017 “Help! Namaak op een beursstand. Wat doen?” (“Help! Counterfeit products at my booth: What now?”), Febelux & Besa, ICC Ghent, Duo presentation with Mr Olivier Vrins

28 March 2017 “Oneerlijke concurrentie als vangnet bij gebrek aan IE-bescherming – La concurrence déloyale comme palliative à l’absence de protection de la propriété intellectuelle”, Duo presentation with Mr Vanbrabant, VSMRAEDC, Brussels

7 September 2016 “Update on CJEU Case Law (September 2015 – September 2016), Marques, Allicante

10 November 2016 “Recente ontwikkelingen in het merkenrecht” (“Recent evolutions in trademark law”), IE Forum, Brussels

16 May 2016 “Merken: beschermingsomvang en –beperkingen” (“Scope of protection of trademarks and limitations”), Centre for IT & IP of the Leuven University (KU Leuven)

13 May 2016

“IE: procedure en handhaving” (“IP: enforcement and court proceedings”),

CBR, Antwerp University (UA)

26 April 2016

“Hoe giet u IE in contracten met derden?” (“IP in contractual relations with third parties”), Copy Talks, Agentschap innoveren en ondernemen

24 March 2016 

“Handelsnaam, niet langer de Assepoester onder de IE-rechten?” (“The trade name, no longer the Cinderella amongst the IP rights?”), BMM conference

28 January 2016

Table speech at the 9th IP-Diner, Industriële Groote Club, Dam,


22 January 2016

“Update Octrooirecht” (“Update patent law”), M&D Seminars, Ghent

23 September 2016

“Update on the Case Law of the EUCJ, capita selecta trademark cases September 2015 – September 2016”, Marques 30th Annual Conference.

29 September 2015

Recente ontwikkelingen in het merkenrecht” (“Recent evolutions in trademark law”), IE Forum, Brussels

8 May 2015

De handhaving van intellectuele eigendomsrechten in het WER” (IPR enforcement in the Belgian Code of Economic Law), Vlaams

Pleitgenootschap, Brussels

22 November 2014

Dispute resolution strategy”, seminar Gevers, Brussels

16 October 2014

Trademark law: Back to Basics”, seminar Contrast, Brussels

3 December 2013 and

Vergelijkende reclame; de goedkoopste, de mooiste, de beste?”

10 December 2013

(“Comparative advertising: the cheapest, the most beautiful, the best?”),

VBO Antwerp and Brussels

4 October 2013

“Update octrooirecht” (“Update Patent law”), M&D Seminars, Ghent

11 September 2013

Licentieovereenkomsten inzake intellectuele eigendom en overeenkomsten inzake technologieoverdracht” (“IP license agreements on technology transfert agreements”), M&D Seminars, Ghent

11 June 2013

Merkinbreuken in een digitale omgeving” (“Trademark infringements in a digital environment”), VBO Brussels

15 November 2012

“Gebruik en misbruik van merken op het internet” (“Use and misuse of

trademarks on the internet”), study day “Social Media”, organized by the Belgian Association of company lawyers (IBJ-IJE), Brussels

25 September and 23 October 2012

“Patent Litigation before the Belgian Courts”, Technology Institute (KVIV), Antwerp

19 June 2012 

“How to proof IP infringements? Saisie-contrefaçon and other judicial means”, Technology Institute (KVIV), Antwerp

25 May 2012 

“Protection of trade secrets and know-how within a company” with Sophie Lens, inhouse seminar for Total (Paris)

24 November 2011

“Preliminary injunction and expedited injunctions proceedings on the merits” on a study day with respect to “sanctions and proceedings in

IP” co-organized by the Belgian groups of the LIDC, AIPPI or ALAI

14 October 2011

“Recent evolutions in patent law, M&D Seminars, Ghent

10 October 2011 

“Reflexwerking: geen IE recht en toch oneerlijke mededinging?” “Protection via unfair competition in the absence of IP-rights?” (cospeaker: V. Fossoul), Belgian Copyright Association

27 May 2011

“Choice of the name and use requirements of plant variety denominations”, a study day on the new Belgian law on plant variety rights, seminar orgainsed by Altius, Brussels

7 June 2011

“How to act against counterfeit?”, Vlaams Agentschap Ondernemen,


19 May 2011

“Protection of well-known trademarks and territorial requirements with respect to the use of a CTM”, AIPPI, Brussels

15 February 2011 and 17 February 2011

“Status questionis 50 years after the Distribution Act of 1961”

For the Belgian Association of company lawyers (IBJ-IJE), Brussels and Antwerp

31 January 2011

“Google AdWords”, Kirkpatrick, trademark attorneys

9 December 2010

“Dilution and luxury brands: do they get the protection they deserve?”, conference on “national marks and CTM’s: enforcement and future harmony for INTA, Barcelona

5 October 2010

“IP and contracts with third parties”, IP-Day, program organised by

Vlaams Agentschap Ondernemen, Ghent

27 October 2009

“IP license agreements and transfer of technology agreements”, M&D seminars, Brasschaat

29 September 2009

“Community Trademark Courts & Design Courts”, OHIM, Alicante

25 May 2009

“Business secrets in court proceedings between competitors”, AECD-

VSMR, Brussels

12 May 2009

“Protection of reputed trademarks”, AIPPI, Brussels

29 April 2009

“Recent developments in copyright law”, M&D Seminars, Ghent

28 April 2009

“Protection of trade secrets towards ex-employees”, the Belgian

Association of company lawyers (IBJ-IJE), Antwerp

17 March 2009

“Introduction to IP law”, Sint-Lucas, Brussels

10 February 2009

“IP license agreements and technology transfer agreements”,

Technology Institute (KVIV), Antwerp

24 September 2008

“Recent case law and new developments in patent law”, Post

Academic Program organized by M&D Seminars, Ghent

29 May 2008

Use and misuse of intellectual property on the internet: an overview of recent case law with respect to internet and trademarks”, Post Academic Training Course at the Free University of Brussels (VUB)

20 May 2008

Use of information obtained through customs under the anti-piracy

Regulation against parallel traders”, Annual meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA), Berlin

20 March 2008

The scope of protection of an older trademark in conflict with an identical younger trade name after the Céline judgment of the ECJ of 11 September 2007”, Bi-annual meeting of the Benelux Trademark and Industrial Design Association (BMM), Turnhout

22 January 2008

How to fight against counterfeiting and piracy?”, Post Academic

Training Course at the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), Kortrijk

29 November 2007

Anti-counterfeiting”, Police training for local officers, Asse

8 November 2007

The growing impact of self regulation and ethical codes”, Belgian

Association of company lawyers (IBJ-IJE), Brussels

24 October 2007

How to act against trademark infringements?”, Post Academic Course organized by CONCreas, Antwerp

27 September 2007

Exhaustion of rights and parallel trade”, Post Academic Training

Course for KVIV, Antwerp

21 September 2007

Community Trademark Courts”, IP Seminar organized by OHIM,


6 June 2007

New Belgian IP legislation implementing EC Directive 2004/48”,

Agoria, Brussels

4 June 2007

Towards a more efficient way to fight piracy before criminal courts”, Conference organized by the Belgian groups of ALAI, LIDC and AIPPI,


31 May 2007

Recent developments in trademark and advertising law”, postacademic training course at the Free University of Brussels (VUB)

16 April 2007

What’s in a name?, an introduction to trademark law”, Junior Chamber

International, Aalst

26 October 2006

Transfer of technology” and “The exhaustion of intellectual property

              rights and parallel trade”, Technology Institute (KVIV), Antwerp

17 October 2006 and 5 December 2006

Protection against Look-alikes”, Belgian Association of company lawyers (IBJ-IJE), Brussels

10 July 2006

Community Trademark Courts”, OHIM Summer Academy, Alicante

29 April 2006

Reform of the Belgian law with respect to anti-counterfeiting and piracy”, conference organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs,


29 March 2006

The Belgian legal framework with respect to anti-counterfeiting”, academic session at the Catholic University of Brussels (KUB) for the launch of the book edited by O. Vrins and M. Schneider, “Enforcement of intellectual property rights through border measures: law & practice in the EU” (Oxford University Press, 2006)

17 March 2006

Recent developments in Benelux and European trademark law”, 8th

Benelux Trademark Day, The Hague

23 February 2006

Recent developments in trademark law”, post-academic training course, Free University of Brussels

17 April 2005

What’s in a name?, an introduction to trademark law”, Bruges Bar


24 February 2005 and 24 March 2005

Patent litigation before the Belgian Courts”, Technology Institute,

KVIV, Antwerp

27 January 2005

How to proof IP infringements?  Saisie-contrefaçon and other judicial means”, Technology Institute (KVIV), Antwerp

9 November 2004

Can we discuss taste & colors? at the academic session “the Benelux

®-evolution”, organised by the Benelux Trademark office

8 June 2004

Due diligence with respect to IP”, ING Bank, Brussels

3 June 2004

Alternative procedures to saisie-contrefaçon”, conference “use and

misuse of discovery” organized by the Belgian Business Federation (VBO-FEB), Brussels

19 February 2004

Reversal of proof in parallel import cases after the Van Doren judgment of the ECJ?”, Belgian Competition Law, Brussels 

24 November 2003

Electrical Engineering and general business-related acquits with respect to intellectual property rights”, PHARE Business support programme, Brussels

10 October 2003

Intervention of customs authorities under EU Regulation 1383/2003”,

Belgian Copyright Association, Brussels

26-29 August 2002

Industrial property and copyright in the ICT sector”, PHARE-Business Support programme for Central and Eastern Europe at the Electronic

Industry of the Slovak Republic Union, Bratislava

12-16 August 2002

Industrial property and copyright in the ICT sector”, PHARE-Business

Support programme for Central and Eastern Europe, at the Hungarian

IT Association, Budapest

23 May 2002

Termination of distributorship agreements under Belgian law: recent case law”, Postgraduate  training course for Themis, Brussels

19 April 2002

Protection of intellectual property against counterfeit and piracy”, conference organized for Belgian magistrates and judges, Ministry of

Justice, Brussels

5 February 2002

Conflicts between trademarks, company names, trade names and domain names”, Gevers & Partners, Brussels

11-12 October 2001

Conflicts between trademarks, company names, trade names and domain names”, Commission de Droit et Vie des Affaires, University of


8-10 October 2001

How do judges interpret trademark infringements in the Benelux?”,

PHARE seminar on Trademark Enforcement as part of the Regional Intellectual  Property Programme (RIPP) for Central and Eastern Europe, Vilnius

3-5 September 2001

How do judges interpret trademark infringements in the Benelux?”, PHARE seminar on Trademark Enforcement, as part of the Regional Intellectual Property Programme (RIPP) for Central and Eastern

Europe, Warsaw

23-25 July 2001

How do judges interpret trademark infringements in the Benelux?”, PHARE seminar on Trademark Enforcement, as part of the Regional Intellectual Property Programme (RIPP) for Central and Eastern

Europe, Riga

17 May 2001

Recent developments related to intellectual property rights”,

Postgraduate  training course, Free University of Brussels

8 March 2001

“Interpretation of trademark infringements in the light of the recent case law of the European Court of Justice”, XXVII Postgraduate Willy

Delva training course at the University of Ghent

4-7 February 2001

How do judges interpret trademark infringements in the Benelux?”,

PHARE seminar on Trademark Enforcement, as part of the Regional Intellectual Property Programme (RIPP) for Central and Eastern

Europe, Budapest

23 November 2000

Parallel trade and intellectual property”, Maklu Meetings, Antwerp

26 October 2000

Protection of secret company information”, “Transfer of technology” and, “Patent and know-how licence agreements”, Belgian Association of Corporate Lawyers (IBJ), Brussels

11-14 September 2000

How do judges interpret trademark infringements in the Benelux?”,

PHARE seminar on Trademark Enforcement, as part of the Regional Intellectual Property Programme (RIPP) for Central and Eastern

Europe, Bucharest

7 September 2000

Exclusive and selective distribution agreements”, Seminar on EU

                          Regulation no 2079/1999 on vertical agreements, M&D Seminars,


26 June 2000

Copyright protection of jewellery”, Belgian Jewellery Design Circle,

Ars Nobilis, Brussels

20 November 1998

Conflicts between trade names and trade marks”, AIPPI, Brussels

10 November 1998

True or False?” panellist at the conference on “Civil and criminal actions following  trademark infringements” organised by the Benelux

Trademark Office at the Sheraton Hotel, Brussels

4-8 November 1998

Belgian rapporteur with respect to the question “Does TRIPS assure a better protection of indications of origin and designations of origin and does it constitute an appropriate instrument for this purpose?” at the

Conference of the International League of Competition law, Lisbon

9 September 1998

The TRIPS Agreement: direct effect?”, Belgian Competition Law

Association, Brussels

15 May 1998

Intellectual Property Rights and Employment Agreements”, Socia B.S.

and Fabrimetal, Diegem

28 May 1997

Reputation, valorisation and legal protection of trademarks”, Faculté

Polytechnique de Mons

8 December 1995

Digitisation of works”, E.S.C. International, Brussels

30 November 1995

The Community Trademark: a promising idea?”, Belgian Business

Federation  (VBO-FEB), Brussels

16 November 1995

Agency agreements under the new Law of 13 April 1995”, Die Keure,


11 January 1995

Recent developments in intellectual property rights and strategies for companies to protect their intellectual property rights”, Brussels Bar


12 September 1994

European Design Protection”, Licensing Executives Association, Delft

              (The Netherlands)

21 October 1993

Legal procedures related to infringements of the new Belgian 

Competition Law”, Belgian competition law association, Brussels

30 September 1993

Distribution law in Belgium”, Law Society of Scotland and Scotland in

Europe, Edinburgh

21 January 1993


Legal aspects of commercial communications”, Brussels Chamber of



  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 23/01/1997, C-181/95, Biogen v Smithkline (conditions for obtaining on SPC for medicinal products)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 9/02/2006, Plumax v Young Sports, C-473/04 (service of judicial documents)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 23/04/2009, Sanoma v Galatea, joined cases C-261/07 and C-299/07 (unfair commercial practices, combined offers)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union; 16/07/2009, American Clothing Associates v OHIM, C-202/08 P en C-208/08 P (absolute grounds for refusal of a trade mark equal to the Canadian States emblem)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 11/07/2013, Best v. Visys, C-657/11 (concept of advertising – use and registration of domain names; use of metatags)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 19/09/2013, Gauquie v Martin Y Paz Diffusion, C-661/11 (right for trade mark owner to terminate a perpetual license)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 19/11/2015, SBS Belgium v SABAM, C-325/14 (communication to the public of TV programs – direct injection)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 15/12/2016, Nationale Loterij v Right Frequency, C-667/15 (unfair commercial practices – concept of ‘pyramid promotional schemes’)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 5/10/2017, Wolf Oil v SCT Lubricants UAB, C-437/16 P (trade mark opposition case; likelihood of confusion; conceptual neutralization)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, 25/07/2018, Mitsubishi, C-129/17 (Preliminary referral, rights conferred by a trade mark, right to oppose de-branding)
  • Court of Justice of the European Union, (ongoing), Novartis, joined cases, C-253/20 and C-254/20 (preliminary referral; rights conferred by a trade mark ; first affixing of a mark to intracommunity parallel imports of generic pharmaceutical products)
  • General Court of the European Union, 17/07/1998, Belgacom v ITT Promedia, T-111/96 (abuse of a dominant position – Telephone guides
  • General Court of the European Union, American Clothing Associates – OHIM, T-215/06 (absolute grounds for refusal of a trade mark equal to the Canadian State emblem (maple leaf)
  • General Court of the European Union, 25/03/2010, Master Beverages Industries, T-5/08 t.e.m. T-7/08 (trade mark opposition case; likelihood of confusion)
  • General Court of the European Union, 19/01/2011, Häfele GmbH & Co, OHIM v Topcom Europe, T-336/09 (trade mark opposition; likelihood of confusion)
  • General Court of the European Union, 01/06/2016, Wolf Oil Corp. v EUIPO / UAB SCT Lubricants, T-34/15 (trade mark opposition case; likelihood of confusion; conceptual neutralization)
  • General Court of the European Union, 16/11/2017, Mapei v EUIPO – Steenfabrieken Vandersanden, T-722/16 and T-723/16 (trade mark opposition case; likelihood of confusion)
  • General Court of the European Union, 12/09/2018, Chefaro Ireland, T-905/16 (trade mark invalidity action; likelihood of confusion; conceptual neutralization)
  • General Court of the European Union, 13/12/2018, Commodore, T-672/16 (trade mark revocation action; genuine use of a trade mark; due cause)
  • General Court of the European Union, 24/03/2021 Creatherm, T-168/20 (trade mark opposition case; likelihood of confusion)