1. General – what is this cookie policy for?

1.1. This cookie policy applies to the use of cookies on the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) of Fencer BV (hereinafter also referred to as “Fencer”, “we” or “us”).

1.2. FENCER is responsible for processing your (personal) data that it obtains when you visit the Website (e.g. your IP address).

Cookies are also personal data. More information about the processing of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

1.2. This cookie policy informs you about the use and purpose of cookies on our Website. This cookie policy is made available to you electronically and can be accessed at any time under the “Cookie Policy” section of the Website. We reserve the right to change this cookie policy at any time. Changes will be announced on the Website.


2. What are cookies and what are they for?

Cookies are small data files stored by the browser on the hard disk of your computer or device when you visit and/or consult a website or use a (mobile) application that stores certain user information. Cookie files contain unique codes that e.g. allow your browser to recognize you during your visit to the Website and thus enhance your user experience. Cookies facilitate interaction between the visitor and a Website and are used for the purposes of improving the user experience and collecting statistics from a Website’s visitors. Cookies also allow for your personal settings and preferences to be stored or for visual and audio material to be played. Certain cookies may be placed by a third party, e.g. Google Analytics, for measuring the use of a website.


3. The different types of cookies.

3.1. There are different types of cookies:

i. Session cookies: these are cookies that keep track of certain preferences during a browser session, but disappear when you close your browser session.

ii. Persistent cookies: these are cookies that are permanently placed on your device, at least until their duration expires.

iii. Functional cookies: these cookies are necessary for the optimal functioning of the Website, to display certain graphic elements, etc. These cookies are technically necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website. These cookies are placed without your consent as they are part of the legitimate interest of FENCER.

iv. Non-functional cookies: these cookies are set for statistical, social and/or commercial purposes and are separate from the technical support of the Website. The use of these cookies requires your prior, specific and express consent.

Here is the list of cookies used in the website:


Here is the list of cookies that we use:

wordpress_secsessionThis cookie is used to store your authentication details.
wordpress_logged_insessionRemember User session. WordPress sets the after login wordpress_logged_in_{hash} cookie, which indicates when you’re logged in, and who you are, for most interface use.
wordpress_test_cookiesessionTest if cookie can be set. WordPress also sets wordpress_test_cookie cookie to check if the cookies are enabled on the browser to provide appropriate user experience to the users.
wp_settings1yearCustomization cookie. Used to persist a user’s wp-admin configuration. The ID is the user’s ID. This is used to customize the view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface.
wp_settings_time_11yearTime at which wp-settings-{user} was set


4. Consent

4.1. The setting and access of cookies through the Website on your equipment requires your consent, unless it is for the technical storage of information or the provision of a service expressly requested by you when the setting of a cookie is strictly necessary for that purpose.

4.2. Your consent is therefore not required for functional cookies. However, your consent is required for non-functional cookies.

Your consent must, if applicable:

– be obtained before cookies are set. If your consent is not obtained, cookies may not be set.

– be informed, which is why we inform you about the different cookies through this cookies policy;

– be explicit and active. Your consent is therefore obtained by checking the boxes in the cookies banner on the Website;

– be specific and thus obtained by cookie or by category of cookie.

4.3. If you have consented to the use of non-functional cookies via the Website, you can change this setting at any time and withdraw your consent. The cookies already installed will then be deleted.


5. Turning cookies on and off – managing

4.1. With all common browsers you can check the settings or options or indicate which cookies you allow. The use of cookies can be disabled. Through your web browser you can delete cookies automatically or manually and you can specify whether certain cookies may be placed or not. You can also set your web browser to notify you when a cookie is set.

Depending on your web browser, this can be done through one of the links below: Internet ExplorerGoogle ChromeFireFox – Safari.

4.2. If you disable cookies, however, this may cause the Website to no longer function correctly or certain (graphical) elements or applications on the Website to function less well.

Questions? Feel free to contact us.

FENCER BV – Esplanade 1 box 5, 1020 Brussels



Phone number: +32 2 221 03 80

To exercise your rights, you can also find information in our privacy policy.